The Science of Physics – How the Nobel Prize May Be Won

Science of Physics

This will be a long post but it will really make you think. In fact, don’t be surprised if what you read in this blog keeps you thinking for weeks, months, or even years to come. It’s amazing how one little thought can fester and grow until it takes over your entire being! But when the thoughts are good, they’re really good, that’s what makes up our universe and lets us exist.

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Physical cosmology, as an observational branch of science, is the study of matter and the universe on large-scale structure and is generally interested in unanswered questions regarding its evolution and structure. It is generally accepted that space and time do not exist independent of a dynamic field of matter. Space is typically described as having a definite curvature, whereas time is known to be timeless and unchanging.

The modern day physical cosmology is generally explained using space and time as being separate entities existing parallel to each other but with separate histories. 

Space and time are thought to be conserved by the repulsive and attractive force of matter, the vacuum, against which normal matter cannot act. Although the exact nature of these two forces is unknown, it is believed by many that they combine to produce the cosmos and universe we know today. Particle physics experiments have indicated that they play an important role in the distribution of energy within the universe.

Astronomy has been one of the great areas of physical cosmology for many years. 

Astronomy uses telescopes to map the movements of celestial bodies such as the planets, comets, and stars as well as the most distant objects in the Universe. Astronomy also describes the properties of celestial objects and the nature of their atmosphere and magnetic fields. One of the most fascinating features of the modern day scientist is the development of general relativity, which predicts the existence of a universal force that acts over and beyond the effects of matter and energy on the universe. According to this theory, all events in the history of the Universe can be explained in a deterministic way.

Albert Einstein was one of the pioneers of modern physics. 

He received a Nobel prize for his demonstration that light was a particle, rather than a wave. This was a great break for traditional physics, which viewed light as a particle. Einstein’s special theory of relativity was born from his studies of optics. Though it did not completely describe the behavior of the cosmos, it did describe how light behaves when traveling through space and between large masses, and it gave birth to general relativity.

Another great scientist who had a strong effect on physical cosmology was Joe Laidler.

He used a variety of data to demonstrate that the expansion of the universe was uniform. The problem that scientists had with this suggestion was that it appeared to require new laws or theories to fit a universe that was believed to be static and unchanging. Joe Laidler came up with his own model of cosmic inflation, which explained inflation using quantum mechanics. His ideas were revolutionary and laid the groundwork for modern day physics.

Neil Clerk and Fred Holder proved that the laws of classical mechanics provided only a partial description of the physical phenomena. 

By utilizing Einstein’s and Laidler’s ideas, however, these two developed what we know today as general relativity. With this new framework, they were able to map the structure of space-time into a continuum, the expanding universe. In doing so, they provided a better understanding of how the universe works. Though their theories underwent revisions, the two remained influential. Eventually, this new framework was named general relativity.

The physical cosmology and general relativity theories have had a profound effect on modern day physics and research. 

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Physicists are still engaged in studying the workings of the large and small, the past and the future. Astronomy is just another branch where cosmologists study the connection between heavenly bodies and the earth. Because the study of celestial objects has such an effect on our day to day lives, winning a Nobel prize for this field is very prestigious.

Winning a physics Nobel prize would be a huge honor for a person. 

Winning the Nobel prize would symbolize the completion of an important line in the history of science, and cementing Albert Einstein’s reputation as one of the greatest scientists of all time. Without his theories, many other areas of physics would have been unable to complete their lines of attack. Physicists have also completed many great milestones in the search for the perfect formula for the atom. Without his influence, many of today’s complex scientific problems such as the Higgs boson would still be puzzles for modern physics.

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About the Author: Micky Aron